Ceiling plate for Petfun Scratching Tree. Hide the winding


Small Ceiling tile for Petfun cat trees. To clamp on the ceiling with hose to cover the threaded rod.

The ceiling plate secures the tree with the ceiling and is included with the ceiling trees. If you are building your own scratching post, you will need this piece to close with the ceiling.

You want to modify you tree to a ceiling scratching post?

No problem. For this you need a screw extension of the existing trunk, a matching sisal post and this ceiling tile. The fabric and the wood color can be customized so it matches the tree.

The ceiling plate is 15x15cm wide.

Custom-made cat scratching trees are also possible
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We're here to help.

About Pet Fun: A family business with tradition for over 30 years.
A Pet fun scratching tree is very stable, durable and fits in every interior.

Pet Fun works together with the WKS – Westküstenservice – an atelier for handicapped people. We create jobs in our region, moved to a bigger factoring place 4 years ago and now everything is in place to produce the long living products our clients and the cats enjoy so much.

As a sign of appreciation, we have given the names of our employees to a lot of the cat trees, for example: Gesa, Isabell, Tanja.

Meanwhile, we supply our scratching posts, Cat Condos, and pet accessories worldwide. Our passion has become our profession. We value your feedback, let us know what you think!
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